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My practice is grounded in an understanding of the nervous system. We are designed to feel a wide range of sensations and emotions, to ride the wave of our thoughts and to lean in. The physical practice of yoga, which includes meditation, conscious breath and movement, expands ones awareness of physical, mental and emotional states. It is through this awareness that we can stretch our capacity to self-regulate.

There are many points of entry to a yoga practice and so I offer classes at all levels. My journey began as a physical one - enticed by beautiful shapes and a desire to find strength, I soon began to feel internal emotional and energetic shifts. It was this peeling away of the many layers of self protection I had built throughout my life, that kept me returning to my mat. 

Yoga is a powerful tool to make closer contact with the many parts and layers that exist within you, and to stay connected to yourself in your wholeness.



I offer a personalised and bespoke yoga experience in the comfort of your own home.  

Meditation, breath practice, movement and hands on assists are all elements that can be brought into your sessions. Whether it's a sweaty power flow or a gentle vinyasa sequence that resonates with you, I will support you as you explore your self-regulating practice.

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